But it seems to me Lucas speaks in half-truths. Or perhaps, I should model my distaste for this album with a GRAPH?

"Ulysses": Lets get high
"Turn It On": I know you turn it on, yeah
And many others, which I don't care to go through as of now, because that would be giving my ears a lesson in repetition. Now, the songs themselves are pretty alright, if not formulaic, but I'm willing to take a bet that most (and I know there's always an exception) people won't want to listen to the same thing for 42 minutes and 38 seconds. However, if Franz Ferdinand released an album that was just their bass riffs, my money would be in their pocket faster than you could say "funk".
Avid listeners of Franzie may notice that the demo "Can't Stop Feeling" made the cut onto the album. Avid listeners, heed my call! Stick with the demo, even if the copy you have has a crappy bitrate. Tonight: Franz Ferdinand's mix of this song completely took what was good about it (the classic, dancey Franz Ferdinand) and replaced it with what is new (the modern, we're-trying-to-be-different-but-we're-doing-it-wrong Franz Ferdinand). This album's cut of "Lucid Dreams" also replaced the climactic buildup with something much more disappointing. It just kind of, switched and petered out. Words cannot describe the look on my face when I was thinking "Oh man! 'Lucid Dreams' cannot be ruined! It was SOLID" and was proved wrong by Franz Ferdinand once again.
OBLIGATORY RATING OUT OF 5: approaches 2 but will never reach it out of 5
I haven't gotten the hang of ending blog posts yet, so heres a happy image I drew to counteract the latest Franz Ferdinand outing:

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