The Hives, what the crap? Timbaland? Justin Timberlake? Pharrell "Timbo" Williams? To many "timb"'s. If you haven't heard, the Hives are coming out with a new album, The Black and White Album, due on October 9th in North America, the 15th in the UK. They've recorded 20 to 30 songs, 7 of which produced by Pharrell "Timbo" Williams. Some guests include Pharrell, Justin Timberlake, and Timbaland.
What has happened to my new favourite band? I've always known the Hives for their unbridled rocking RAWK. Alas, it seems time has changed, and hip-hop is now sneaking it's fingers into garage music. None of this makes sense to me. What does Timbaland want with these Swedish rockers, can't he be happy with, ugh, the Pussycat Dolls? And, Justin, bring your friggin' sexy back somewhere else! Leave indie music alone. Last but not least, Pharrell Williams. Does he even have an album? I swear he features in everything that has to do with hip-hop or pop music. New Toy Story movie? Pharrell is fucking in there being the sly looking bastard crooning over Mary!
All in all, I just wanted promising news about the Hives, not some crap about the recent flavour of the month rapper (Hint: It starts with a Timb)
-Lucas Thurston
Music. Film. Art. Whatever Else Tickles Our Fancy.
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Review: Frienship Opprortunity by Deerhoof
Every freaking time I hear a Deerhoof song I wish I was in the band. I can just seem them rocking the fuck out. They are one the most exciting and vibrant bands out there. It is always hard to explain Deerhoof to people who have never heard them either. To quote Jeph Jaques from Questionable Content, "Unlike your typical Guitar Center shredders, they take what is obviously a lot of technical ability and translate it into a batch of rock songs that are alternately rollicking, surreal, psychedelic, and HEAVY." The sheer amount of rock that Deerhoof produces in 2 minutes is more than some whole bands do in a lifetime. Ah, but that is the Deerhoof from the absolutely mind-blowing The Runners Four from 2005. The question every asks now, can they top it?
No, not really. This album is completely different than The Runners Four, but that doesn't mean it is not as good. Friendship Opportunity is more like Milk Man or Apple 'O because of its use of synths. The songs are more poppy, but poppy in the sense that they don't melt your face and then explode your skull. These songs make there way into your mind and imbed themselves over time. This is more like the thinking man(woman)'s Deerhoof album. The band is trying new things. For example, "Whither The Invisible" is an emotional piano/synth song with Satomi Matsuzaki singing softly. The most surprising thing is that it works.
Then there's "The Perfect Me". An odd organ with blistering drums beats drive this song along at break neck speeds. "Kidz Are So Small" probably is the most disturbingly odd song on the album. With lyrics like 'If I were a man and you a dog, I'd throw a stick for you' it's got to be good.
Of course Deerhoof does pull out the ol' guitars on some tracks "+81", "Cast Off Crown", and "Matchbook Seeks Maniac" all are more guitar driven. Yet, only "Look Away" is the most like the Deerhoof of the past. At 11:46, with the classic Deerhoof guitar tones, it takes the listener back to days of yore with Reveille.
Deerhoof is changing, at least they did for this album and I welcome the new 'Hoof with open arms.
Rating: 4/5
1. The Perfect Me
2. +81
3. Believe E.S.P.
4. The Galaxist
5. Choco Fight
6. Whither The Invisible
7. Cast Off Crown
8. Kidz Are So Small
9. Matchbook Seeks Maniac
10. Look Away
-Lucas Thurston
No, not really. This album is completely different than The Runners Four, but that doesn't mean it is not as good. Friendship Opportunity is more like Milk Man or Apple 'O because of its use of synths. The songs are more poppy, but poppy in the sense that they don't melt your face and then explode your skull. These songs make there way into your mind and imbed themselves over time. This is more like the thinking man(woman)'s Deerhoof album. The band is trying new things. For example, "Whither The Invisible" is an emotional piano/synth song with Satomi Matsuzaki singing softly. The most surprising thing is that it works.
Then there's "The Perfect Me". An odd organ with blistering drums beats drive this song along at break neck speeds. "Kidz Are So Small" probably is the most disturbingly odd song on the album. With lyrics like 'If I were a man and you a dog, I'd throw a stick for you' it's got to be good.
Of course Deerhoof does pull out the ol' guitars on some tracks "+81", "Cast Off Crown", and "Matchbook Seeks Maniac" all are more guitar driven. Yet, only "Look Away" is the most like the Deerhoof of the past. At 11:46, with the classic Deerhoof guitar tones, it takes the listener back to days of yore with Reveille.
Deerhoof is changing, at least they did for this album and I welcome the new 'Hoof with open arms.
Rating: 4/5
1. The Perfect Me
2. +81
3. Believe E.S.P.
4. The Galaxist
5. Choco Fight
6. Whither The Invisible
7. Cast Off Crown
8. Kidz Are So Small
9. Matchbook Seeks Maniac
10. Look Away
-Lucas Thurston
Review: Exit Decades by Cut City
A couple months ago, news got out that the, at the time untitled, new Interpol album had leaked. With eyes alight with excitment at the chance of hearing the work by everyone's favourite gloomy New York post-punk band, everyone flooded to their respective torrents sites. A torrent of the album Mastodon was waiting. Eagerly, people downloaded it, and were oddly surprised. Some thought it was indeed Interpol, but no, Mastodon was obviously a false leak. False leak or not, this album wasn't half bad. As it turns out, Exit Decades by the Swedish bad Cut City was said false leak. It's lovely little mistakes like these that can turn out to be amazing discoveries.
I heard about this false leak and I was interested in Cut City. I aquired Exit Decades, and immediately the reason for the confusion with Interpol was obvious. Every song has a nice layer of reverb. The guitars are spiky and fast and the bass plays driving and jumping riffs. Hell, even the singing and lyrics sound similar. But, Cut City manages to constantly keep my interest. All too often some Interpol songs sound all too similar, but Cut City manages to keep me utterly enamoured.
The 80's definitely shine through on these songs. You can see Cut City really going back to the roots of the post-punk movement on this album. Unlike other 80's-ish bands, none of these songs sound rehashy or tired. In fact, each song can be easily imagined on college radios now or even in the 80's.
Certain songs stand out, of course, one being "Just Pornography (For M.E.)". Shimmering reverb-drenched guitars and interesting drumming make this song a must hear. The best song on the album, for me, is "The Dull Miles (Exit Decades)". The sorta-title track is driven by an amazing bass riff, which just keeps plowing on. Everytime I hear I can't sit still. Then it all fades into this janky soundy synth with odd feedback. It is a perfect song, utterly perfect.
My only small problem with the album is that it never slows down, ever. Nearly every song just rockets along. There is not a peaceful song on the album. Furthermore, it seems they may have just used almost the same tempo throughout the whole album. These are just small problems though, and it will never stop a band that was, at first, mistaken for Interpol, and is now one of my favourite post-punk bands.
Rating: 4.5/5
Tracklisting: Exit Decades By Cut City
1. Like Ashes Like Millions
2. Manoeuvers
3. Numb Boys
4. Anticipation
5. Damaged
6. Such Verve
7. Rival Trial
8. Just Pornography (For M.E.)
9. The Dull Miles (Exit Decades)
-Lucas Thurston
I heard about this false leak and I was interested in Cut City. I aquired Exit Decades, and immediately the reason for the confusion with Interpol was obvious. Every song has a nice layer of reverb. The guitars are spiky and fast and the bass plays driving and jumping riffs. Hell, even the singing and lyrics sound similar. But, Cut City manages to constantly keep my interest. All too often some Interpol songs sound all too similar, but Cut City manages to keep me utterly enamoured.
The 80's definitely shine through on these songs. You can see Cut City really going back to the roots of the post-punk movement on this album. Unlike other 80's-ish bands, none of these songs sound rehashy or tired. In fact, each song can be easily imagined on college radios now or even in the 80's.
Certain songs stand out, of course, one being "Just Pornography (For M.E.)". Shimmering reverb-drenched guitars and interesting drumming make this song a must hear. The best song on the album, for me, is "The Dull Miles (Exit Decades)". The sorta-title track is driven by an amazing bass riff, which just keeps plowing on. Everytime I hear I can't sit still. Then it all fades into this janky soundy synth with odd feedback. It is a perfect song, utterly perfect.
My only small problem with the album is that it never slows down, ever. Nearly every song just rockets along. There is not a peaceful song on the album. Furthermore, it seems they may have just used almost the same tempo throughout the whole album. These are just small problems though, and it will never stop a band that was, at first, mistaken for Interpol, and is now one of my favourite post-punk bands.
Rating: 4.5/5
Tracklisting: Exit Decades By Cut City
1. Like Ashes Like Millions
2. Manoeuvers
3. Numb Boys
4. Anticipation
5. Damaged
6. Such Verve
7. Rival Trial
8. Just Pornography (For M.E.)
9. The Dull Miles (Exit Decades)
-Lucas Thurston
Monday, 23 July 2007
Hey, I'm Matt, no use really introducing myself since the only readers of this blog already know me, but I'm here to show off the thinly veiled musically inclined Matt, as seen on the Tricowinc blog. As my first order of business, I'm going to post a music video! Yeah!
This here is the D.A.N.C.E. video, by Justice. I first heard about Justice on some other indie blogs way back, but wasn't really formally introduced until Lucas here sort of forced it on us. Good thing he did, because I absolutely LOVE them.
This here is the D.A.N.C.E. video, by Justice. I first heard about Justice on some other indie blogs way back, but wasn't really formally introduced until Lucas here sort of forced it on us. Good thing he did, because I absolutely LOVE them.
Welcome To Matt
We have a new writer now! Matt joins us here on The Two Hour Hiatus. He'll be writing things, posting some vids, it's all good. So, let's here a nice round of applause from Matt! *clapping*
Friday, 15 June 2007
Liars! All of Them!
The internet is an amazing confounding place. Somehow, albums get leaked weeks, even months before their acutal release date. Everyone knows this, but I've lately been surprised by some. The new Spoon album was out quickly, let alone the Art Brut album, but most of all was the most recent. The self-titled fourth album by Liars has leaked.
I was reading some blogs a couple days ago, and one of them mentioned that "Plaster Casts Of Everything", a new song by Liars, was being streamed on Pitchfork. Giggling with glee I bounded my way over to the Fork and had myself a nice listen. Wait a minute, did I just hear a guitar that sounds like, well, a guitar? But wait again, those vocals, the same falsetto vocals remain. Yet, now a more rock-based backround has come into the picture. How very interesting.
When I read about their new song, I was slightly worried, by the idea of this whole "rock-based" business. Well worry not, it is executed with such musical prescision! Furthermore, the album is more rock-based, and it is just as good as "Plaster Casts Of Everything". When this album comes out, I'll be there, waiting to get my paws on it. Expect a full review in the next couple months when Liars actually comes out. Hmm, how confounding.
I was reading some blogs a couple days ago, and one of them mentioned that "Plaster Casts Of Everything", a new song by Liars, was being streamed on Pitchfork. Giggling with glee I bounded my way over to the Fork and had myself a nice listen. Wait a minute, did I just hear a guitar that sounds like, well, a guitar? But wait again, those vocals, the same falsetto vocals remain. Yet, now a more rock-based backround has come into the picture. How very interesting.
When I read about their new song, I was slightly worried, by the idea of this whole "rock-based" business. Well worry not, it is executed with such musical prescision! Furthermore, the album is more rock-based, and it is just as good as "Plaster Casts Of Everything". When this album comes out, I'll be there, waiting to get my paws on it. Expect a full review in the next couple months when Liars actually comes out. Hmm, how confounding.
Monday, 11 June 2007
Review: Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? by Of Montreal
I remember the first time I ever heard of Of Montreal. It was around 11:30 at night and I was a television show that plays indie and underground music videos. "Wrath Pinned To The Mist And Other Games" came on. I was rather confused about it, I didn't know if I liked it. I downloaded it anyways, and over time, I gathered more song and gathered more interest. So, when I heard Of Montreal was releasing a new album, I was moderately excited. I wasn't jumping out of my skin or anything.
So, it comes out and I get ahold of it. I was expecting a sugary fairytale of poppy indie songs. I must say I was surprised at first. In the sense of the overall sound, it is what you'd think Of Montreal would do. Lot's of electronics and high vocals. But everything about this is album is some much darker than The Sunlandic Twins or Satanic Panic In The Attic. The synths are more grating, and the vocals is more pleading. 'Twas not surprising when I heard it was based around Kevin Barnes' (lead singer, writer) divorce. Hissing Fauna follows Kevin's transition from his old self to Georgie Fruit, a transsexual partying funk-machine. It adds to the dark feeling of the music, and the sombre lyrics.
The first half of the album has to do with the divorce and Kevin's depression. The second half is all about Georgie Fruit's exploits. The first half is all dark and sad writing, that is contrasted with poppy synths. It adds a nice unsettling feeling. The second half has more poppy synth goodness, but very funky. I mean, the funks been turned up to 11. In between the two opposite parts is a 11 minutes, 52 second long, claustrophobic masterpiece that documents the change from Kevin to Georgie. "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" is where we hear the best of Of Montreal's newest form. The vocals are so full of pain and the backround music just keeps eating away at you. The 11 minutes goes by quickly because the song never becomes boring or irritating. Another standout track for me is one that people rarely talk about. "We Were Born The Mutants Again With Leafling" it flows directly in from the previous song, and it takes the whole album back to the original feel of the first half. It's almost a reference to the whole album.
And when the last song fades out into silence, you get this feeling of satisfaction. Hissing Fauna is a genius album that left me wanting more. It made more crave some more synth solos like in "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal", or more happy sounding songs about antidepressants like "Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse", or even the unbridled funk of "Labrinthian Pomp". Unlike before, I am sitting at my computer waiting for any news of a new album.
Rating: 4/5
-Lucas Thurston
So, it comes out and I get ahold of it. I was expecting a sugary fairytale of poppy indie songs. I must say I was surprised at first. In the sense of the overall sound, it is what you'd think Of Montreal would do. Lot's of electronics and high vocals. But everything about this is album is some much darker than The Sunlandic Twins or Satanic Panic In The Attic. The synths are more grating, and the vocals is more pleading. 'Twas not surprising when I heard it was based around Kevin Barnes' (lead singer, writer) divorce. Hissing Fauna follows Kevin's transition from his old self to Georgie Fruit, a transsexual partying funk-machine. It adds to the dark feeling of the music, and the sombre lyrics.
The first half of the album has to do with the divorce and Kevin's depression. The second half is all about Georgie Fruit's exploits. The first half is all dark and sad writing, that is contrasted with poppy synths. It adds a nice unsettling feeling. The second half has more poppy synth goodness, but very funky. I mean, the funks been turned up to 11. In between the two opposite parts is a 11 minutes, 52 second long, claustrophobic masterpiece that documents the change from Kevin to Georgie. "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" is where we hear the best of Of Montreal's newest form. The vocals are so full of pain and the backround music just keeps eating away at you. The 11 minutes goes by quickly because the song never becomes boring or irritating. Another standout track for me is one that people rarely talk about. "We Were Born The Mutants Again With Leafling" it flows directly in from the previous song, and it takes the whole album back to the original feel of the first half. It's almost a reference to the whole album.
And when the last song fades out into silence, you get this feeling of satisfaction. Hissing Fauna is a genius album that left me wanting more. It made more crave some more synth solos like in "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal", or more happy sounding songs about antidepressants like "Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse", or even the unbridled funk of "Labrinthian Pomp". Unlike before, I am sitting at my computer waiting for any news of a new album.
Rating: 4/5
-Lucas Thurston
Thursday, 7 June 2007
I Return From My Deep Slumber's been a while. Sorry, non-existent reads, it has been a while. I've been busy with many things, but I promise you this: I will write again. Summer is close at hand, and thus, more time to write!
-Lucas Thurston
P.S. by the way, expect a surge of writing about post-rock. I'm kind of going through a phase. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.
-Lucas Thurston
P.S. by the way, expect a surge of writing about post-rock. I'm kind of going through a phase. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.
Friday, 13 April 2007
The Junos
Yes, I know, I'm late on the "writing about the Junos" boat. That's not going to stop me. Anyways, being a proud Canadian, I enjoy watching the Junos to see what Canadians are being recognized for their hard work. I must say, I was dissappointed. Nelly Furtado was the hostess of the evening, and it changed from the Junos to the Nelly Furtado show. Performers played one song, while she played a medley of 3 or 4. Furthermore, skits were filmed at an attempt to be funny. Guess what, they weren't quite as funny as they had hoped. It was alltogether a complete mess, people could not read the screen with their lines on it, unfunny skits, and Nelly Furtado is just not cut out for being a host of an awards show. There was one highlight though, DJ Champion from Montreal played. This performance was mindblowing. 1 singer, 4 guitarists, 1 bassist, and the DJ Champion (or Maxime Morin, if you want to get technical). Seriously, check out Chill 'Em All by DJ Champion if you want some good rocking techno music. I especially suggest the song No Heaven.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Yes, This Is My Singing Voice...
Yep, it's me being behind the times again, but I'm not sure how many Canadians (or Americans for that matter) know who Art Brut is. Yet another NME endorsed British indie-rock band, but these guys are different. Not only do they rock with no shame, but their singer is quite unique. He more talks than sings. No, not rap, but kind of David Byrne-esque. I suggest checking out the song Good Weekend for its hilarious lyrics about the singers new girlfriend and their antics.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
K.C. Accidental
I'm pretty sure some of you have heard of Broken Social Scene. It's a supergroup of all the big people in the Canadian indie scene. Yet, before BSS was around the founders of the group, Kevin Drew and Charles Spearin, were KC Accidental. The name is pretty self-explanitory. K(evin)C(harles) Accidental. Anyways, if you can get your hands of either of their two albums, it will be worth it. Think Feel Good Lost by BSS, and you have K.C. Accidental.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
300 or is it God Of War?
Last night I had the pleasure of seeing 300 on the big screen. You may be wondering, "Is this movie worth the $7.50?" The answer: yes. Very yes. The first fight scene is better than some whole action movies. What made me love this movie so much was the fact that it was made differently than most movies. You know those epic comic book panels with the sun shining through the clouds over top of the heroes on a tall cliff? This movies dwells on epic shots. The best comparison I can make to anything is to God Of War. It is pretty much the God Of War movie, just without pastey ol' Kratos. It had the best slow-motion battles ever, and some of the coolest blood I've seen in a movie. If you're a person who's not afraid of a little gore, and you're not turned off by pure awesome, then go. Now, no really, leave your computer and watch it. I'm not kidding...GO!!!
-Lucas Thurston
P.S. (go!)
-Lucas Thurston
P.S. (go!)
Saturday, 10 March 2007
Movie Suggestion: Babel
I just finished watching the movie Babel. Honestly, it is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. I found myself at points just starring at the beauty of the camera shots, instead of actually paying attention to the plot. The movie was a broken timeline that immaculately came together at the end. Long pan shots of lonely deserts in Morocco, beautiful scenes of a bustling Japanese city, I could have just watched the movie for its cinematography. But why would I want to that? That would result in missing the beautiful acting that everybody did. Anyone who wants to be a film-maker should watch this. The most interesting scene was when Chieko, a deaf Japanese teenager, was at a rave. The way unfocused lenses were used and crossfading, oh man, it was amazing. Also, I have never seen a strobe light used in a movie so well. If only Matrix: Reloaded had this good of a rave scene. Oh well.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
Thursday, 1 March 2007
March Already!
I nearly forgot, happy March 1st!!! Wooo! Just wanted to say that Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros has one of the most beautiful openings ever. Also go to: to see what music I listen to all the time. Au revoir.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
2007 In Music
So I spent last night looking for information on the future of indie bands that I enjoy. Gladly, I discovered that either bands were recording, or releasing albums this year! Sigur Ros is recording, which makes me happy. They say that it may sound different than their other works. Rilo Kiley is planning to release a new album this year. Maximo Park is also releasing a new album. Yet, what intriuges me the most is the new Interpol album. Set for June 5th, it is yet untitled but the rumoured title is "Moderation". It's been nearly three years since they released the genius Antics and I am itching for some more of their odd style of indie rock.
-Lucas Thurston
-Lucas Thurston
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Review: Sound Of Silver by LCD Soundsystem
Sound Of Silver by LCD Soundsystem 
I don't know what the sound of silver is saying to James Murphy, but whatever it has been saying must have been good. I've been a fan of LCD Soundsystem for a while now. I first heard Daft Punk Is Playing In My House about two years ago, and I fell in love. The first album was a
great mix of different genres all infused with an electronic feel.
Now, when my friend told me that LCD Soundsystem was releasing a new, I got excited. The 45:33 album/EP (whatever) really caught my interest, so I was really prepared for a good album.
The Sound Of Silver starts off with Get Innocuous. The beginning beats somewhat resemble Losing My Edge from the first album. It builds for a while, some electronic sounds come in and a piano. When James Murphy starts to sing though, that's when this song gets good. He sounds like a 70's funk singer, it's genius.
Then there's the funky Time To Get Away smooth keyboard tones, and next there's the rock-oriented North American Scum. I really like this song, it seems to be about how people view North Americans and look down on them.
Someone Great is one of my favourites. It is actually taken straight out of 45:33. The melody and everything, very little is added to it besides lyrics. The vocals do add to the original and I find that the heavy electronic bassline really sticks in your head. In a good way, of course.
All My Friends is my favourite on the album, though there's nothing much to say. The pianos that remain throughout the song add a nice flair to a very electronic album. The lyric writing in this song really gets to me though, they seem so real and sincere. Also I love the reference to Pink Floyd when he says, "we set the controls for the heart of the sun".
Yet again, the funk is back in Us v Them. Fast crunchy guitar with complex percussion, yet it seems a little too similar to Time To Get Away just with guitar. Still, the cowbells make the song fun and listenable. Watch The Tapes is the weakest song on the album. It has an intro that is remiscient to early punk sounds, but it's really not enough to make me really like this song.
The title track Sound Of Silver is just weird. It starts off with Jimmy singing this odd intro, and then drums come in. It honestly the coolest opening on the album and the most original. This song is where you get the neat electronic house sounds, which makes it the most danciest song on the album.
Finally, we come to the closing track, New York I Love You. It is a love song to a city that is a bit of a burden on our fine musician and is definitly the Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up of the album. It's a nice quiet ending to the abum, that just puts you back down on the ground after the crazy electronic noise of Sound Of Silver.
Ultimately, The Sound Of Silver is a more cohesive album than the first and is a must-have for fans of the original or people looking for a fun electronic album. I give it a 4 out of 5.
-Lucas Thurston

I don't know what the sound of silver is saying to James Murphy, but whatever it has been saying must have been good. I've been a fan of LCD Soundsystem for a while now. I first heard Daft Punk Is Playing In My House about two years ago, and I fell in love. The first album was a
great mix of different genres all infused with an electronic feel.
Now, when my friend told me that LCD Soundsystem was releasing a new, I got excited. The 45:33 album/EP (whatever) really caught my interest, so I was really prepared for a good album.
The Sound Of Silver starts off with Get Innocuous. The beginning beats somewhat resemble Losing My Edge from the first album. It builds for a while, some electronic sounds come in and a piano. When James Murphy starts to sing though, that's when this song gets good. He sounds like a 70's funk singer, it's genius.
Then there's the funky Time To Get Away smooth keyboard tones, and next there's the rock-oriented North American Scum. I really like this song, it seems to be about how people view North Americans and look down on them.
Someone Great is one of my favourites. It is actually taken straight out of 45:33. The melody and everything, very little is added to it besides lyrics. The vocals do add to the original and I find that the heavy electronic bassline really sticks in your head. In a good way, of course.
All My Friends is my favourite on the album, though there's nothing much to say. The pianos that remain throughout the song add a nice flair to a very electronic album. The lyric writing in this song really gets to me though, they seem so real and sincere. Also I love the reference to Pink Floyd when he says, "we set the controls for the heart of the sun".
Yet again, the funk is back in Us v Them. Fast crunchy guitar with complex percussion, yet it seems a little too similar to Time To Get Away just with guitar. Still, the cowbells make the song fun and listenable. Watch The Tapes is the weakest song on the album. It has an intro that is remiscient to early punk sounds, but it's really not enough to make me really like this song.
The title track Sound Of Silver is just weird. It starts off with Jimmy singing this odd intro, and then drums come in. It honestly the coolest opening on the album and the most original. This song is where you get the neat electronic house sounds, which makes it the most danciest song on the album.
Finally, we come to the closing track, New York I Love You. It is a love song to a city that is a bit of a burden on our fine musician and is definitly the Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up of the album. It's a nice quiet ending to the abum, that just puts you back down on the ground after the crazy electronic noise of Sound Of Silver.
Ultimately, The Sound Of Silver is a more cohesive album than the first and is a must-have for fans of the original or people looking for a fun electronic album. I give it a 4 out of 5.
-Lucas Thurston
Musings On Deerhoof
I feel behind the times. I've only recently discovered such bands as Animal Collective, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and Deerhoof. I find it odd to discover that I was so unaware of this good music for so long. I've been listening to alot of Deerhoof lately, The Runners Four is a great album.
Deerhoof really puts the "rawk", so to speak, in indie rock. Siriustar is a very heavy song with these wide open spaces. Wrong Time Capsule has a catchy riff that holds on to you after you've listened. It seems to take 70's rock and twist it with Deerhoof's style. The high vocals seem to contrast the crashing guitars quite expertly. Anyways, really, I recommend The Runners Four to anyone who is looking for some heavier indie rock.
-Lucas Thurston
Deerhoof really puts the "rawk", so to speak, in indie rock. Siriustar is a very heavy song with these wide open spaces. Wrong Time Capsule has a catchy riff that holds on to you after you've listened. It seems to take 70's rock and twist it with Deerhoof's style. The high vocals seem to contrast the crashing guitars quite expertly. Anyways, really, I recommend The Runners Four to anyone who is looking for some heavier indie rock.
-Lucas Thurston
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
First Post EVAR
Hello there non-existent readers! Welcome to Lucas Thurston's (me) blog! It is a blog primarily about music, film, and other things that interest me. I'll post pretty much whenever I bloody want to, but I'll try to post as often as I can. Check out the other blog that I am a part of:
It's great! Anyways, I'm out. Cheers.
-Lucas Thurston
It's great! Anyways, I'm out. Cheers.
-Lucas Thurston
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